Schock's Greenhouses
Our House
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Welcome to our Greenhouses!

The "Little"
The South House The North House
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The "Little" Greenhouse

Our smallest greenhouse totaling 6,000 square feet displays a wide variety of indoor green and blooming plants along with garden tools and merchandise.  The little greenhouse is adjacent to The Potting Shed which provides year-round "al fresco" dining for Our House visitors.

Indoor Blooming and Green Plant Care Guides

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The South House

Our greenhouse to the south holds 15,000 square feet of benches supporting annuals, perennials, and vegetables all year round.  During the early spring and summer, this greenhouse is absolutely breathtaking!  One could never imagine all the different types of outdoor flowering plants, ornamental grasses, ground cover, and shrubs available to the Midwest area.  

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The North House

Our greenhouse located to the north maintains a temperature of 65 degrees year round.  Its 15,000 square feet hold seedling and starter plants that require warmth to grow.  Take a look and see what's growing at certain times of the year - you'd be surprised to see how far ahead of time we start planting for the next season...

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Ask A Gardener
... or stop by Schock's for all your lawn and garden needs.  We have a wide variety of tools, garden apparel, and other necessities to make your job easier.  Ranging from garden clogs to water wands to wheelbarrows, we carry specialty items for practical use and gift giving.  Schock's also carries a large assortment of pesticides, granules, and fertilizers for indoor and outdoor use.  These supplies can be used on either green or blooming plants.  We carry familiar brands such as Miracle-Gro, Peter's, Scott's, Dragon & Ferti-lome.  So whether you have a wilting plant or some pesky critters, Schock's has the fix for you!


Floral Shop Our House
Gift Shop The Barn Antiques Extreme Surroundings Take the Tour!